Bike repair station on the Saharra

On February 3, in the city M’hamid (8,000 inhabitants) – known as the “gateway to the Sahara”, in the Moroccan province of Zagora, we installed the self-service bike repair station IBOMBO PRS-SV1 on the main road. The entire logistics of the project was created by a couple who were extreme cyclists (United – Cyclists). The station travelled with them to target more than 5,000 km (by airplane and Jeep). The idea of the assembly arose during their slide show in Poznan and Leszno, where Sophie and Jack talked about their “total bike expeditions” to the Himalaya and Sahara. After the presentation an initiative of sending toy animals, sporting balls, etc. to children in Morocco was born.
We were very surprised that in this part of the world the bike is the most popular means of transport and we decided to send an IBOMBO station with a number of spare parts there. The system will be helpful in case of failure – not only for local people but also for cyclists, bicycle adventurers, drivers, motorcyclists or for children by inflating balls.
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